January 1814
1st January 1814 – After having crosed the river Rhine, Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher marched towards Nancy. In Paris, Napoleon apostrophed French deputies, during the reception of New Year's day: Are you people's representatives? I am, me... I have a title and you do not... Return to your departments!
3rd January 1814 – Allies entered Montbéliard.
4 January 1814 – In Paris, free corps were created.
7 January 1814 – The allies entered Dole.
11 January 1814 – Betrayal of Joachim Murat: he promised, in a treaty with Austria, to provide thirty thousand men to drive the French out of Italy.
13 January 1814 – Napoleon reviewed troops at the Carrousel .
14 January 1814 – Marshal Michel Ney evacuated Nancy.
16 January 1814 – Langres was taken by Allies.
17 January 1814 – Denmark declared war on France.
19 January 1814 – Allies entered Dijon, Burgundy.
20 January 1814 – Allies entered Chambery, Savoy.
21 January 1814 – Napoleon ordered to bring back the Pope Pius VII to Italy.
23 January 1814 – Presentation of the King of Rome to the officers of the National Guard.
24 January 1814 – Joseph Bonaparte was appointed Lieutenant General of the Emperor. Empress Marie-Louise became regent.
25 January 1814 – Fall of Lleida, the last French place in Spain. Napoleon joined the army; he would never see his wife or his son again.
26 January 1814 – Marshal Louis-Alexandre Berthier was ordered to distribute to the army two to three hundred thousand bottles of wine and distilled spirits taken in Vitry.
27 January 1814 – Napoleon defeated the vanguard of Blücher in Saint-Dizier.
29 January 1814 – The Marie-Louise (young soldiers battalions) defeated Blücher at Brienne.
February 1814
3rd February 1814 – A conference betwen French and Allies opened at Châtillon-sur-Seine.
4 February 1814 – Blücher resumed the offensive and entered La Fere-Champenoise. Marshal Etienne Macdonald retreated towards Chateau-Thierry.
6 February 1814 – The French retreated to Nogent. Napoleon planned the evacuation of Paris by the government.
7 February 1814 – Napoleon got informed that the allies would demand that France would found its limits prior to the Revolution.
8 February 1814 – He refused these conditions.
9 February 1814 – The Conference of Chatillon was suspended.
10 February 1814 – French victory at Champaubert.

11 February 1814 – New French victory near Montmirail.
12 February 1814 – Another victory at Château-Thierry. The Duke of Angoulême (nephew of Louis XVIII) addressed a proclamation to the French from Saint-Jean de Luz, Basque country.
17 February 1814 – Conference resumed at Chatillon.
18 February 1814 – French victory at Montereau.
19 February 1814 – Eliza, Napoleon's sister, declared that she was breaking all ties with the French Empire.
22 February 1814 – The Allies met in Troyes to hold a council of war. They decided to retire and offer Napoleon an armistice.
24 February 1814 – Napoleon entered Troyes, Champagne.
25 February 1814 – Negotiations began at Lusigny, for an armistice. However discussions at Chatillon continued.
28 February 1814 – The conference of Lusigny ended, with no results.
March 1814
1st March 1814 – The Allies proclaimed themselves associated for twenty years against France: this was the Treaty of Chaumont.
4 March 1814 – All French people were called to arms.
9 March 1814 – Battle of Laon.
10 March 1814 – Battle of Laon (end). Napoleon retreated towards Soissons. The Baron of Vitrolles, as emissary of Talleyrand, arrived at the Allies' headquarters.
12 March 1814 – The Duke of Angouleme entered Bordeaux . Louis XVIII was proclaimed King.
19 March 1814 – The negotiations of Chatillon got permanently discontinued. The Count of Artois (Louis XVIII's younger brother) arrived in Nancy.
20 March 1814 – Battle of Arcis-sur-Aube. The imperial army had to retire behind the river Aube. The bridge at Arcis was shot.
23 March 1814 – The Allies crossed the river Aube and headed to Paris.
28 March 1814 – The Tsar Alexander I looked down at the French capital from the hills over the river Seine.
29 March 1814 – Empress Marie-Louise and her son left Paris for Rome.
30 March 1814 – The battle for Paris began at 6 AM. Marshal Bon-Adrien Jannot de Moncey and 15,000 men heroically defended the Clichy barrier . However Marshal Marmont offered to negotiate a cease-fire at 4 PM.
31 March 1814 – The capitulation of Paris was signed at 2 AM. The Allies entered Paris at 11 AM. Meanwhile, Napoleon was in Fontainebleau.
April 1814
1st April 1814 – The French Senate appointed a provisional government headed by Talleyrand.
2nd April 1814 – The Senate declared Napoleon Bonaparte and his family deprived of the throne, the French people and army freed from their oath of fidelity
3rd April 1814 – The Corps Législatif voted the forfeiture, too.
4 April 1814 – Napoleon signed in Fontainebleau a form of conditional abdication, which was preserving the rights of his son and the Empress Regent.
5 April 1814 – He reviewed the debris of his guard.
6 April 1814 – Council with the Marshals. The Senate freely
called Louis-Stanislas-Xavier (Louis XVIII) to the throne. Napoleon renounced for himself and his family to the thrones of France and Italy.
8 April 1814 – The provisional government declared invalid all acts of Napoleon since his disqualification by the Senate.
10 April 1814 – A ceremony of cleansing took place in Paris, Place de la Concorde, where King Louis XVI and Queen Marie-Antoinette had been guillotined.
11 April 1814 – The allies offered to Napoleon the sovereignty of the island of Elba, in the Mediterranean Sea.
12 April 1814 – Napoleon attempted suicide, late at night.
13 April 1814 – Napoleon accepted the offer of Allies.
14 April 1814 – The Count d'Artois received from the Senate the general lieutenancy of the kingdom.
15 April 1814 – He was solemnly received by the Senate.
19 April 1814 – Allied commissioners responsible to accompany Napoleon to Elba arrived at Fontainebleau.
20 April 1814 – The Emperor bade farewell to his Guard in the Cheval-Blanc courtyard of the of Fontainebleau Palace ; he left in the company of Henri Gatien Bertrand, Antoine Drouot, Pierre Cambronne and six hundred men.
24 April 1814 – Louis XVIII landed at Calais, North France.
28 April 1814 – At Saint-Raphael, Napoleon embarked on the British frigate The Undaunted.
May 1814
3rd May 1814 – Napoleon arrived at the island of Elba. King Louis XVIII entered Paris.
24 May 1814 – Pope Pius VII returned to Rome.
29 May 1814 – Josephine died at Malmaison , following pneumonia contracted during a walk in the park in the company of Tsar Alexander I.
30 May 1814 – First Treaty of Paris: France was reduced to its 1792 borders.
31 May 1814 – Pauline Bonaparte joined her brother in the island of Elba.
June 1814
1st June 1814 – Proclamation of peace in Paris.
4 June 1814 – Louis XVIII gave the Charter. In Porto-Ferrajo , the capital of the island of Elba, a ball was given aboard a British ship for the birthday of King George, Napoleon Bonaparte attending.
August 1814
3rd August 1814 – Arrival of Napoleon's mother at the island of Elba.
15 August 1814 – Napoleon's birthday was celebrated in all his "kingdom".
24 August 1814 – In the United States of America, the English took the city of Washington and burned it down.
September 1814
1st September 1814 – Maria Walewska and her son arrived to the island of Elba.
12 September 1814 – The English were defeated before Baltimore.
16 September 1814 – Talleyrand left Paris for the Congress of Vienna [Wien].
October 1814
November 1814
1st November 1814 – Official opening of the Congress of Vienna, a conference of ambassadors of European states chaired by Austrian statesman Klemens Wenzel von Metternich.
4 November 1814 – In France, a law returned to emigrants unsold national property.
December 1814
16 December 1814 – New wave of half-pay for Bonapartist officers, under the pretext of economy.
17 December 1814 – The half-paid were assigned to residence in their place of birth.
24 December 1814 – A Peace Treaty between the United States and Great Britain was signed.
30 December 1814 – Were promoted Generals former émigrés, Vendéens or Chouans.
Photo credits
Photos by Lionel A. Bouchon.Photos by Michèle Grau-Ghelardi.
Photos by Marie-Albe Grau.
Photos by Floriane Grau.
Photos by Didier Grau.
Photos by people outside the Napoleon & Empire association. Thanks to Mr. Cyril Maillet for the photo of Malmaison he provided to us.