N & E
Napoleon & Empire

The Campaign of 1805 in Germany
day by day

In July and August 1805, the third coalition against France was formed, bringing together, around England, Russia, Austria, Naples and Sweden. In response, Napoleon I abandoned his plans to invade England at the end of August and rushed towards southern Germany. This would be one of his most glorious campaigns.

The city of Ulm seen from the heights
The city of Ulm, seen from the heights

We will detail below the Emperor's wanderings day by day, illustrating them with photographs showing the current appearance of the places of this campaign. The city of Ulm, heavily destroyed during the Second World War, unfortunately does not offer much to see that could resemble the city captured by Napoleon. On the other hand, the site of the battle of Elchingen and that of Austerlitz were relatively spared, due to their rural location. The iconography will be enriched with each future stay we will be able to make in these places, today located in Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic.

September 1805

September of 1805

October 1805

October of 1805

November 1805

November of 1805

December 1805

December of 1805

All of Napoleon's movements from 1769 to 1821 All of Napoleon's movements from 1769 to 1821

Photos credits

  Photos by Lionel A. Bouchon.
  Photos by Didier Grau.
  Photos by Michèle Grau-Ghelardi.
  Photos by Marie-Albe Grau.
  Photos by Floriane Grau.
  Photos by various authors. Thanks to Mr. Stefan Wengermeier and Mr. Ugo Valfer for their kind contribution..


This page has as its main sources the successive works of Albert Schuermans, Louis Garros and Jean Tulard, as well as the writings of Roger Iappini.