January 1800
9 January 1800 – The municipalities lost their right to appoint police commissioners.
17 January 1800 – An order abolished sixty out of the seventy-three Parisian political newspapers. Creation of new titles was banned.
18 January 1800 – The Banque de France was created. Vendéens surrendered to General Brune.
21 January 1800 – Royalist demonstrations on the occasion of the death anniversary of King Louis XVI.
25 January 1800 – Creation of a reserve army of 60,000 men, placed under the command of the First Consul.
February 1800
7 February 1800 – Napoleon Bonaparte praised George Washington , who had died two months ago. For ten days, all the flags of the Republic would display black crepes.
9 February 1800 – Ceremony at the Hôtel des Invalides in Paris, honoring the memory of George Washington.
13 February 1800 – Publication of the statutes of the Banque de France (Bank of France).
14 February 1800 – The Chouan chief Georges Cadoudal laid down his arms.
15 February 1800 – The journalists lost the right to print anything related to land and sea movements.
17 February 1800 – A new administrative organization of France was adopted.
18 February 1800 – The Constitution of the year VIII was adopted by plebiscite: 3,011,007 yes, 1,562 no.
19 February 1800 – Napoleon Bonaparte set up house at the Palais des Tuileries .
20 February 1800 – The Count of Provence (future Louis XVIII) requested Bonaparte in writing to leave him his place.
March 1800
2 March 1800 – Appointment of the prefects of ninety-eight French departments.
3 March 1800 – Closing of the list of emigrants.
8 March 1800 – Creation of the police prefecture of Paris.
14 March 1800 – In Venice, cardinal Barnaba Chiaramonti was elected Pope Pius VII.
18 March 1800 – Law on the new organization of courts.
April 1800
5 April 1800 – Governmental authorization became mandatory for staging a play in the theatre.
21 April 1800 – General André Masséna entered Genoa with his army.
27 April 1800 – Napoleon Bonaparte ordered GeneralCharles Augereau to bring the Batavian government to book.
May 1800
6 May 1800 – Napoleon Bonaparte left Paris: it was the beginning of the second campaign in Italy.
9 May 1800 – Bonaparte reached Geneva.
14 May 1800 – The French army approached the slopes of Mount Saint-Bernard.

20 May 1800 – Bonaparte crossed Saint-Bernard pass .
24 May 1800 – From Aoste : in a letter to the Consuls, Bonaparte announced that he hoped to be back in Paris within fifteen days.
26 May 1800 – Battle of La Chiusella .
30 May 1800 – General Joachim Murat captured Novara .
June 1800
2nd June 1800 – Entry in Milan.
3rd June 1800 – Reinstatement of the Cisalpine Republic.
4 June 1800 – Masséna had to capitulate in Genoa.
9 June 1800 – Battle of Montebello.
14 June 1800 – Battle of Marengo; at the moment of victory Louis Charles Antoine Desaix was killed by a musket ball . The same day, in Egypt, General Jean-Baptiste Kleber was assassinated.
15 June 1800 – In Alessandria, Italy, a convention was signed between the French and Austrian commands. The strongholds of Piedmont and Lombardia, the cities of Genoa, Savona and Urbino were handed over to the French; the Austrians had to retreat beyond the Oglio river.
18 June 1800 – The city of Milan had a [Te Deum] sung in the cathedral to celebrate the liberation of the Cisalpine Republic from the Austrian yoke; the First Consul was present..
20 June 1800> – Intrigues in Paris following rumors of a major defeat and the death of a great leader.
21 June 1800 – The French army entered Turin [Torino] .
23 June 1800 – Louis-Gabriel Suchet occupied Genoa. Bonaparte ordered the collection of a war contribution across the length and breadth of the Cisalpine Republic, to be paid by the well-known supporters of Austria.
July 1800
2nd July 1800 – Return of Napoleon Bonaparte to Paris.
22 July 1800 – Bonaparte wrote to Masséna: To set an example, loot and burn the first village of Piedmont which will revolt
26 July 1800 – Traders and individual people once again became free to be idle on Sundays.
August 1800
12 August 1800 – Setting in place of a commission in charge of drawing up the Civil Code; members were: Bigot de Préameneu, Tronchet, Portalis and Maleville.
28 August 1800 – Napoleon Bonaparte visited Jean-Jacques Rousseau's room in Ermenonville, near Paris.
September 1800
5 September 1800 – Malta fell into the hands of the English.
7 September 1800 – Napoleon Bonaparte sent a demurrer to the Count of Provence.
23 September 1800 – Bonaparte laid the first stone of the monument to Desaix and Kléber, Place des Victoires in Paris.
24 September 1800 – French Senator Clément de Ris was kidnapped; this episode, never really elucidated, would be used by famous novelist Honoré de Balzac in Une ténébreuse affaire.
27 September 1800 – A Ministry of the Treasury was appointed, by a split of the Ministry of Finance.
30 September 1800 – The Convention of Mortefontaine was signed in the eponymous castle between France and the United States of America, which settled the hostilities that had erupted during the Quasi-War .
October 1800
1st October 1800 – The third Treaty of San Ildefonso was secretly concluded between Spain and France, by which Spain returned Louisiana to France.
3 October 1800 – Bernard Metge, the author of a pamphlet who was inciting people for assassinating Napoleon Bonaparte, was arrested (or on October 4, according to the sources).
10 October 1800 – Sculptor Giuseppe Ceracchi was arrested at the Opera while he was getting ready to assassinate Bonaparte.
20 October 1800 – Forty-eight thousand people's names were struck off the emigrants' list.
November 1800
5 November 1800 – Monsignor Giuseppe Spina , the Pope's representative, reached Paris in order to negotiate the Concordat.
8 November 1800 – Alexandre-Joachim Chevalier, a chemist suspected of making an "infernal machine", was arrested.
December 1800
3 December 1800 – Jean Victor Marie Moreau crushed the Austrians at Hohenlinden.
24 December 1800 – Napoleon Bonaparte escaped unscathed from an attack on rue Saint-Nicaise . There were 22 dead and 56 injured persons.
25 December 1800 – Moreau signed the armistice of Steyr, near Vienna, with the Archduke Charles.
Photo credits
Photos by Lionel A. Bouchon.Photos by Michèle Grau-Ghelardi.
Photos by Marie-Albe Grau.
Photos by Floriane Grau.
Photos by Didier Grau.
Photos by people outside the Napoleon & Empire association.