N & E
Napoleon & Empire

The French Invasion of Russia day by day

The Russian campaign of 1812, locally known as the "Patriotic War" [Отечественная война], began on June 24, 1812, when the Grande Armée led by Napoleon I crossed the Niemen River and entered Russian Poland near Kowno [present-day Kaunas]. It ended on December 14 of the same year, when the rest of the soldiers finished crossing the Niemen in the other direction, five months and twenty days later.

The Red Square, Moscow
The Red Square [Красная площадь] in Moscow. Photo © Nicolas Guy

In the abundant and very well-documented bibliography relating to this epic, we followed in the footsteps of the French Emperor, and searched not only for the battlefields, but also for the places where he stayed during this tragic journey. The related iconography will be enriched during our future stays there, as long as the international situation normalizes and administrative conditions allow it.

June 1812

June of 1812

July 1812

July of 1812

August 1812

August of 1812

September 1812

September of 1812

October 1812

October of 1812

November 1812

November of 1812

December 1812

December of 1812

All of Napoleon's movements from 1769 to 1821 All of Napoleon's movements from 1769 to 1821


All dates on this page are in the Gregorian calendar (then twelve days ahead of the Julian calendar in use in Russia at that time).

Photos credits

  Photos by Lionel A. Bouchon.
  Photos by Didier Grau.
  Photos by Michèle Grau-Ghelardi.
  Photos by Marie-Albe Grau.
  Photos by Floriane Grau.
  Photos by various authors. Thanks to Mr. Nicolas Guy and Mrs. Edita Lamsodyte-Dupuis for the photos they kindly offered us.


This page has as its main sources the successive works of Albert Schuermans, Louis Garros and Jean Tulard, as well as the writings of Roger Iappini.