N & E
Napoleon & Empire

Napoleon in Spain day by day

After the defeat of General Pierre Dupont de l'Etang  on July 22, 1808 in Bailén in Andalusia, and that of Jean-Andoche Junot on August 21, 1808 in Vimeiro in Portugal, Emperor Napoleon I decided to intervene personally in Spain, at the head of a part of the Grande Armée that he brought from Germany.

The Sierra de Guadarrama, north of Madrid
The Sierra de Guadarrama, a mountain range north of Madrid

We will detail, day by day, the Emperor's travels during these few weeks (between the crossing of the Pyrenees on the way there and the way back, we total 85 days), illustrating them with an iconography, which will not fail to be enriched on the occasion of our future stays in Spain.

November 1808

November of 1808

December 1808

December of 1808

January 1809

January of 1809

All of Napoleon's movements from 1769 to 1821 All of Napoleon's movements from 1769 to 1821

Photos credits

  Photos by Lionel A. Bouchon.
  Photos by Didier Grau.
  Photos by Michèle Grau-Ghelardi.
  Photos by Marie-Albe Grau.
  Photos by Floriane Grau.
  Photos by various authors.


This page has as its main sources the successive works of Albert Schuermans, Louis Garros and Jean Tulard, as well as the writings of Roger Iappini.