Napoleon's family ; his marshals and generals ; his allied and enemies ; his ministers ; politicians he met ; mathematicians, scientists, doctors, painters and other artists having practised during the Consulate and the First French Empire ; two popes ; a cooper... Read a short biography of each personality having participated (voluntarily or not) to the napoleonic epic.
- BONAPARTE, Napoléon - General, Consul, Emperor
- ABRIAL, André-Joseph - Minister of Justice
- ADDINGTON, Henry - Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
- ALEXANDER I - Emperor of Russia from 1801 to 1825
- ALI (Louis Etienne SAINT-DENIS, a.k.a.) - Mamluk of Emperor Napoleon
- ANTRAIGUES, Emmanuel-Louis-Henri de LAUNAY, Count of - Pamphleteer, spy and political adventurer
- APPIANI, Andrea - Painter
- ARRIGHI de CASANOVA, Jean-Thomas, Duke of PADUA - General of the French Empire
- ARTOIS, Charles-Philippe, Count of - Younger brother of King Louis XVI and King Louis XVIII, King of France as Charles X from 1824 to 1830
- AUGEREAU, Charles Pierre François, Duke of CASTIGLIONE - Marshal of the French Empire
- AUSTRIA, Archduke Charles of - Austrian field Marshal
- AUSTRIA, Francis I of - Emperor of Austria
- AUSTRIA, Archduke John of - Austrian field Marshal
- AUSTRIA, Archduchess Marie-Louise of - Empress of the French from 1810 to 1814
- BACHASSON, Jean-Pierre, Count of MONTALIVET - French politician
- BACIOCCHI, Félix-Pascal - Napoleon's brother-in-law
- BAGRATION, Pyotr Ivanovich - Georgian General in the Russian army
- BAJALICS VON BAJAHAZA, Adam - Hungarian General of the Habsburg Monarchy
- BARBÉ-MARBOIS, François de - Minister of the Treasury
- BARCLAY de TOLLY, Mikhail Bogdanovich - Russian Marshal
- BARRAS, Paul François de - French politician
- BEAUHARNAIS, Eugène de - Viceroy of the Kingdom of Italy, Napoleon's stepson
- BEAUHARNAIS, Hortense de - Queen of Holland, Napoleon's stepdaughter
- BEAUHARNAIS born TASCHER de la PAGERIE, Marie-Josèphe-Rose (a.k.a. Joséphine) de - Empress of the French from 1804 to 1809
- BEAUHARNAIS, Stéphanie de - Grand Duchess of Baden
- BEAULIEU, Johann von - Belgian General in the Austrian army
- BÉDOYÈRE, Charles de La - General
- BENNIGSEN, Levin August von - German General in the Russian army
- BERNADOTTE, Jean-Baptiste Jules, Prince of PONTE-CORVO - Marshal of the French Empire, then King of Sweden
- BERTHEMY, Pierre-Augustin - Colonel of the French Empire and General of the Kingdom of Naples
- BERTHIER, Alexandre, Prince of WAGRAM - Marshal of the French Empire
- BERTHOLLET, Claude-Louis, Count - Chemist
- BESSIÈRES, Jean Baptiste, Duke of ISTRIA - Marshal of the French Empire
- BEURNONVILLE, Pierre RIEL de, Count - General
- BICHAT, Marie François Xavier - Physician and physiologist
- BIGNON, Louis, Baron - Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
- BIGOT de PRÉAMENEU, Félix-Julien-Jean, Count - Minister of Worship
- BLÜCHER, Gebhard Leberecht von - Prussian Marshal
- BOISSY D'ANGLAS, François Antoine - Politician
- BONAPARTE, Caroline (Marie-Annonciade, a.k.a.) - Napoleon's sister
- BONAPARTE, Elisa (Marie-Anne, a.k.a.) - Napoleon's sister
- BONAPARTE, Jérôme - Napoleon's brother
- BONAPARTE, Joseph - Napoleon's brother
- BONAPARTE, Louis - Napoleon's brother
- BONAPARTE, Lucien - Napoleon's brother
- BONAPARTE, Napoleon-François-Charles-Joseph - Napoleon's son
- BONAPARTE, Pauline (Marie-Paulette, a.k.a.) - Napoleon's sister
- BORGHESE, Camillo - Napoleon's brother-in-law
- BOURDOIS de LA MOTTE, Edme-Joachim - Physician of the King of Rome
- BOURDON de VATRY, Marc-Antoine - Minister of the Navy
- BOURMONT, Louis Auguste Victor de GHAISNES, count of - General of the French Empire
- BOYER, Alexis - First Surgeon of the Emperor
- BRILLAT DE SAVARIN Jean-Anthelme - Gastronome, writer
- BRUIX, Eustache - Vice-admiral
- BRUNE, Guillaume Marie-Anne - Marshal of the French Empire
- BUONAPARTE, Carlo Maria (BONAPARTE, Charles-Marie) - Napoleon's father
- BUONAPARTE, Laetitia (born RAMOLINO, Maria-Letizia) - Napoleon's mother
- CABANIS, Pierre Jean Georges - Physician, Count, Senator
- CADET DE GASSICOURT, Charles-Louis - Pharmacist and writer
- CADOUDAL, Georges - Leader of the Chouannerie against French Revolution
- CAMBACÉRÈS, Jean-Jacques Régis de, Duke of PARMA - French statesman, Second Consul
- CAMBRONNE, Pierre Jacques Étienne - General of the French Empire
- CANNING, George - Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Kingdom
- CARÊME Marie-Antoine - Cooker and pastry chef
- CARNOT, Lazare Nicolas, Comte - Mathematician, scientist, General in the French army and politician
- CAULAINCOURT, Armand Augustin Louis de, Duke of VICENZA - Minister of Foreign Affairs
- CHAMPAGNY, Jean-Baptiste de NOMPÈRE de, Duke of CADORE - Ambassador at Vienna, later Minister
- CHAPTAL, Jean-Antoine-Claude, Count of CHANTELOUP - Minister of Internal Affairs
- CHARLES IV (CARLOS IV) - King of Spain from 1788 to 1808
- CHERUBINI, Luigi - Musician
- CLARKE, Henri-Jacques-Guillaume, Duke of FELTRE - Minister of War
- CLARY, Bernardine-Eugénie-Désirée, a.k.a. Désirée - Young Napoleon's fiancée, then Queen consort of Sweden
- CLARY, Marie-Julie, a.k.a. Julie - Joseph Bonaparte's spouse, Queen consort of Naples then Spain
- CLAUZEL (or CLAUSEL), Bertrand, Count - General
- COIGNET, Jean-Roch - Captain and Memoirist
- COLLIN, Jean-Baptiste, count of SUSSY - Minister of Commerce and Industry
- CONSTANT de REBECQUE, Benjamin - Politician and writer
- CORVISART des MARETS, Jean-Nicolas, Baron - Primary Physician of the Emperor
- COSTE, Jean François - Physician
- CRÉTET, Emmanuel, Count of CHAMPMOL - Minister of Internal affairs
- CURIAL, Philibert Jean-Baptiste - General
- CUVIER, Georges (Jean Léopold Frédéric, a.k.a.), Baron - Naturalist, zoologist and paleontologist
- DALBERG, Emmerich Joseph, Duke of - French Diplomat
- DARU, Pierre-Antoine-Noël Bruno, Count - Secretary of State, Minister of War Administration
- DAUMESNIL, Yrieix-Pierre - General
- DAVID, Jacques Louis - Painter
- DAVOUT, Louis-Nicolas, Duke of AUERSTAEDT, Prince of ECKMÜHL - Marshal of the French Empire
- DECRÈS, Denis, Duke - Minister of the Navy
- DEJEAN, Jean-François-Aimé, Count - Minister of the War Administration
- DENON, Dominique Vivant, Baron - Director of the Napoleon Museum
- DENUELLE DE LA PLAIGNE, Eléonore - Mistress of Emperor Napoleon I
- DESAIX, Louis Charles Antoine - General
- DESGENETTES, René-Nicolas (DUFRICHE, Baron) - Chief doctor to the French army
- DEYEUX, Nicolas - First pharmacist of the Emperor
- DUBOIS-FOUCOU, Jean-Joseph - Napoleon's personal dentist
- DUCHÂTEL born PAPIN, Marie-Antoinette Adèle - Mistress of Emperor Napoleon I
- DUGOMMIER, Jacques (COQUILLE, Jacques François, a.k.a.) - General in the French army
- DUPUYTREN, Guillaume - Surgeon and anatomist
- DUROC, Géraud Christophe de MICHEL du ROC, a.k.a, Duke of FRIULI - Grand Marshal of the Palace
- ÉBLÉ, Jean-Baptiste, Count - General
- ENGHIEN, Louis Antoine Henri de BOURBON-CONDÉ, Duke of - French Prince
- FERDINAND VII (FERNANDO VII) - King of Spain in 1808 then from 1813 to 1833
- FESCH, Joseph - Cardinal. Napoleon's uncle
- FORFAIT, Pierre-Alexandre - Minister of the Navy
- FOUCHÉ, Joseph, Duke of OTRANTO - Minister of Police
- FOURCROY, Antoine François - Physician, chemist, politician
- FOX, Charles James - English politician and Minister
- GAUDIN, Martin Michel Charles, Duke of GAETA - Minister of Finance
- GEORGE III - King of United Kingdom and Ireland, King of Hanover
- GÉRARD, François Pascal Simon - Painter
- GIRARD, Jean-Baptiste, Duke of LIGNY - General of the French Empire
- GIRODET de ROUCY, Anne-Louis (a.k.a. Girodet-Trioson or Girodet) - Painter
- GNEISENAU, August Wilhelm Antonius NEIDHARDT von, Count - Prussian General
- GODOY, Manuel, Principe de la PAZ - Prime Minister of Spain
- GOUVION-SAINT-CYR, Laurent, Count of - Marshal of the French Empire
- GRANET, François Omer - French cooper and politician
- GRÉTRY, André-Ernest-Modeste - Musicien
- GROS, Antoine Jean - Painter
- GROUCHY, Emmanuel, Count of - Marshal of the French Empire
- GUERIN, Jean-Baptiste Paulin (a.k.a. Paulin-Guérin) - Painter
- HALLÉ, Jean Noël - Physician
- HAUTPOUL, Jean Joseph Ange d' - General of the French Empire
- HEURTELOUP, Nicolas - Chief surgeon of the Grand Army
- HUGO, Joseph Léopold Sigisbert - General, father of writer Victor Hugo
- HULIN, Pierre-Augustin - General
- INGRES, Jean Auguste Dominique - Painter
- ISABEY, Jean-Baptiste - Miniaturist painter
- JEFFERSON, Thomas - President of the United States of America
- JOMINI, Antoine-Henri - General
- JOUBERT, Barthélémy Catherine - General of the French Revolution
- JOURDAN, Jean-Baptiste - Marshal of the French Empire
- JUNOT, Jean-Andoche, Duke of ABRANTES - General of the French Empire
- KELLERMANN, François Étienne Christophe, Duke of VALMY - Marshal of the French Empire
- KELLERMANN, François Etienne, count of Valmy - General
- KUTUZOV, Mikhaïl Illarionovitch, Prince of SMOLENSK - Russian field Marshal
- LACUÉE, Jean Girard, Count of CESSAC - Minister of War administration
- LAËNNEC, René-Théophile-Hyacinthe - Physician
- LAGNEAU, Louis Vivant - Surgeon
- LAGRANGE, Joseph Louis, Count - Mathematician
- LAHARPE, Amédée Emmanuel François - Swiss General in the French army
- LA MOTTE, Edme-Joachim BOURDOIS de - Physician of the King of Rome
- LANNES, Jean, Duke of MONTEBELLO - Marshal of the French Empire
- LAPLACE, Pierre-Simon, Count - Mathematician and astronomer
- LA REVELLIERE-LEPEAUX, Louis-Marie de - French Politician
- LARIBOISIÈRE or LARIBOISSIÈRE, Jean Ambroise BASTON, Count of - General of the French Empire
- LARREY, Dominique-Jean, Baron - Chief surgeon to the French army
- LASALLE, Antoine Charles Louis, Count of - General of the French Empire
- LATOUCHE-TRÉVILLE, Louis René Madeleine Levassor de - Vice-Admiral
- LAURISTON, Jacques Alexandre Bernard LAW de - General
- LEBRUN, Charles-François, Duke of PIACENZA - Third Consul
- LECLERC, Charles-Victor-Emmanuel - General, Bonaparte's brother-in-law
- LEFEBVRE, François Joseph, Duke of DANTZIG - Marshal of the French Empire
- LEFEBVRE-DESNOUETTES, Charles - General of the French Empire
- LEJEUNE, Louis François, Baron - Painter and General of the French Empire
- LIPTHAY DE KISFALUD ET LUBELLE, Anton, Baron - Hungarian general of the Holy Roman Empire
- LEON, Charles (a.k.a Count Leon) - natural son of Napoleon I and Eleonore Denuelle de la Plaigne
- LOUIS XVIII of France - King of France from 1814 to 1824
- LOWE, Sir Hudson - Jailer of Napoleon at Saint-Helena
- MACDONALD, Étienne Jacques Joseph Alexandre, Duke of TARANTO - Marshal of the French Empire
- MADISON, James - President of the United States of America from 1809 to 1817
- MARCHAND, Louis-Joseph-Narcisse, Count - Napoleon's First Valet
- MARET, Hugues Bernard, Duke of BASSANO - French Secretary of State, Minister of Foreign affairs
- MARMONT, Auguste Frédéric Louis VIESSE de, Duke of RAGUSA - Marshal of the French Empire
- MASSENA, André, Duke of RIVOLI, Prince of ESSLING - Marshal of the French Empire
- MECKLEMBURG-STRELITZ, Louise of - Queen of Prussia
- MERLIN DE DOUAI, Philippe Antoine Merlin, a.k.a. - Lawyer and politician
- METTERNICH, Klemens von - Austrian statesman
- MOLÉ, Mathieu-Louis, Count - Minister of Justice
- MOLLIEN, Nicolas-François, Count - Minister of the Treasury
- MONCEY, Bon Adrien JANNOT de, Duke of CONEGLIANO - Marshal of the French Empire
- MONGE, Gaspard, Count of PELUSIUM - Mathematician and politician
- MOREAU, Jean-Victor Marie - General of French Republic, later Russian field marshal
- MORTIER, Adolphe Edouard Casimir Joseph, Duke of TREVISO - Marshal of the French Empire
- MOUTON, Georges, Count of LOBAU - General of the French Empire
- MURAT, Joachim, Prince - Marshal of the French Empire and King of Naples
- NELSON, Horatio - Vice-admiral of the Royal Navy
- NEY, Michel, Duke of ELCHINGEN, Prince of MOSKOWA - Marshal of the French Empire
- OLLIVIER, Alexandre François - Surgeon
- ORDENER, Michel, Count - General
- OTTO, Louis, Count of MOSLOY - Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
- OUDINOT, Nicolas Charles, Duke of REGGIO - Marshal of the French Empire
- PALAFOX Y MELCI, José de - Spanish General and politician
- PAOLI, Pasquale - Corsican patriot and leader
- PARMENTIER, Antoine - Pharmacist
- PAUL I - Emperor of Russia from 1796 to 1801
- PELLETAN, Philippe Jean - Physician and surgeon
- PELLETIER, Louis - General in the French army
- PERCY, Pierre-François, Baron - Chief surgeon to the French army
- PERIGNON, Catherine-Dominique de, Count - Marshal of the French Empire
- PIUS VI - Pope from 1775 to 1799
- PIUS VII - Pope from 1800 to 1823
- PITT, William - Prime Minister of Great Britain then of the United Kingdom
- PONIATOWSKI, Józef Antoni - Polish Prince and Marshal of the French Empire
- PORTAL, Antoine - Surgeon
- PORTALIS, Jean-Étienne-Marie - Minister of Worship
- PROVENCE, Louis Stanislas Xavier, Count of - Younger brother of King Louis XVI, King of France as Louis XVIII from 1814 to 1824
- RAPP, Jean, Count - General of the French Empire
- REGNIER, Claude-Ambroise, Duke of MASSA - Minister of Justice
- REINHARD, Karl Friedrich, Baron - French minister and diplomat
- ROBESPIERRE, Augustin-Bon-Joseph - French revolutionary. Maximilien's brother
- ROGER DUCOS, Pierre-Roger Ducos a.k.a. - Consul, Senator
- ROUSTAM RAZA - Mamluk of Emperor Napoleon
- SABATIER, Raphaël Bienvenu - Physician and surgeon
- SAVARY, Anne-Jean-Marie-René, Duke of ROVIGO - Minister of Police
- SCHWARZENBERG, Karl Philipp fürst zu - Austrian Field Marshal
- SERURIER, Jean-Mathieu Philibert, Count - Marshal of the French Empire
- SIEYÈS, Emmanuel-Joseph - Politician
- SOULT, Jean de Dieu, Duke of DALMATIA - Marshal of the French Empire
- STAEL, Anne-Louise-Germaine de, born NECKER - Writer
- STAPS, Friedrich - The man who wanted to kill Bonaparte!
- STENDHAL, (Henri BEYLE, a.k.a.) - French writer
- SUCHET, Louis-Gabriel, Duke of ALBUFERA - Marshal of the French Empire
- SUE, Jean Joseph - Physician
- SURCOUF, Robert - Shipowner and privateer
- TALLEYRAND-PÉRIGORD, Charles Maurice de, Prince of BENEVENTO - Minister of Foreign affairs
- TALMA, François Joseph - Tragedian
- TOUSSAINT-LOUVERTURE, François-Dominique - General and statesman
- VANDAMME, Dominique-Joseph, Count of UNSEBOURG - General of the French Empire
- VERHUELL or VER-HUELL, Charles-Henri, Count of SEVENAER - French (born Dutch) Vice-Admiral
- VICTOR (PERRIN, Claude-Victor, a.k.a.), Duke of BELLUNO - Marshal of the French Empire
- VILLENEUVE, Pierre-Charles de - Vice-Admiral
- VITTORIO AMEDEO III - King of Sardinia and Duke of Savoy
- VOLTA, Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio, Count - Lombard physicist
- WALEWSKA, Maria - Mistress of Emperor Napoleon I
- WALEWSKI, Count Alexandre - Son of Emperor Napoleon I and his mistress Maria Walewska
- WELLINGTON (WELLESLEY, Arthur), Duke of - English Marshal and statesman
- WINTER, Jean Guillaume de, Count of HUESSEN - French (born Dutch) Vice-Admiral and General
- WITTGENSTEIN, Piotr Khristyanovitch, Count - Russian Field Marshal
- WURMSER, Dagobert Sigismund von - Austrian General
- YORCK, Ludwig - Prussian General
- YVAN, Alexandre-Urbain - Surgeon